How To Grow An Industry Network From Scratch

When you first make the decision to start on a new career path, you will likely feel a combination of excitement, fear and uncertainty. In order to alleviate this cocktail of emotions, you must take action and use that action as the remedy for your lack of social foundation in your newly chosen space.

I dropped out of college at 18 with no money, no connections and no special advantage. However, I used a variety of strategies to meet hundreds of high-level people in different industries, such as music, technology and real estate over the past three years. And by 21, I became the director of sales at a fast-growing tech startup, only 16 months after I moved back to New York City from Los Angeles.

So, what kind of actions should you take to grow your industry network from scratch? Read my full article “How To Grow An Industry Network From Scratch” on Forbes.

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